

It’s about the Music. It’s always been about the Music.
It will always be about the Music. Music is Magical!

Lynne Newman
Lynne Newman Logo

Lynne hopes you enjoy her songs, and sends Love and Gratitude to all of the wonderful musicians she has been lucky enough to play with, to all of the beautiful beings she has been honoured to play for, and to all the brave spirits she was delighted to teach, each one a treasure.

Thank you all.

And now to the Music …

Click here to have a listen: lynne.net.au/music … and thanks very much for visiting.

Lynne sends Love and Best Wishes for Health, Peace, Good Will and Good Weather for ALL!

Wishing us all a Covid-Free Festive Season and a much better New Year.


A special thanks goes to her beloved friend, the incredibly talented Mr Steve Arié. He is such an incredible Double Bass Player in Lynne’s Music, amazing really, but now he is an equally incredible and awesome Saxophonist!

Lynne HIGHLY RECOMMENDS his new album “QUIRKS” which is beautifully melodious original Australian jazz, which you can hear (and then purchase because you will probably want to, due to it being truly wonderful music) at www.stevearie.com.au

Great work Steve! A perfect Chrissy Gift.

Steve Arié’s awesome new CD of Original Australian Jazz

unusual and charming, invokes the feeling that all is well, a highly enjoyable album, full of melodic beauty

Eric Myers, The Australian